
Holistic Wellness Support by Petra Tamas

Find balance and harmony with Petra.

About the logo

The lotus is representing purity, rebirth and divinity .
The Moon is a  feminine symbol, universally representing the rhythm of time as it embodies the cycle.

This lotus-moon symbol  has so much connection with women. 
 Throughout time women haven't had socially constructed rites of passage because our physiology has already offered those to us. Our monthly cycle, pregnancy, birth, and menopause are all examples of rites of passage wired into our biology.

These rites of passage always bring rebirth & transformation.

About Petra

Hello! My name is Petra. I was born in Hungary and moved to Malta in 2015.

I’m a mother to my two precious daughters Mila and Isla , doula, certified yoga instructor, childbirth educator , womb massage therapist  and wellness junkie. 

Many of us were taught, being healthy simply meant “not getting sick.” But there is so much more to health than we thought previously. Although Western medicine has done much to make the world a better and safer place for everyone, I still believe that something is missing from the healthcare disciplines.

I was always a highly sensitive child. I felt anxious easily and I had lot’s of emotional outbursts.  Later on as a young mama, I went through extreme highs and lows during my first year of motherhood.

My journey into the world of motherhood began when I had my first child Mila. She was born in the hospital. It was a birth filled with confusion, fear, disruptions and postpartum anxiety - the way all births & postpartum periods are NOT meant to be. There was a period when I struggled to take care of myself and my baby. I was ANXIOUS, OVERWHELMED and LOST.

Pregnancy , birth and motherhood formed me in so many ways. I realized we have moved away from village-mindedness, and it’s mothers who suffer the most. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a mother! This journey was never intended to be made alone. I believe supportive community is an essential part of pregnancy , parenthood and womanhood itself.

In my life- community, yoga and holistic wellness was the game-changer. I felt rejuvenated like I was pressing the reset button each time I stepped onto my yoga mat, allowing myself to come back to life off the mat with a renewed sense of empowerment and fullness that I could share with my little girls, husband, friends, family and others. 

Creating balance within ourselves, our lives and careers is challenging but vital. What began as a physical connection then overflowed into other aspects of being. Adopting a meditation practice, and holistic wellness practices gave rise to self-care and emotional growth.
From there, I discovered a sense of connection and compassion which then evolved my relationships. 

⁠I’m passionate about helping people heal & glow from the inside out by giving them the tools to build a consistent daily practices and self-love mindset.

My aim is to give my clients the trust to believe in their bodies and their abilities to handle anything and to let them gain the knowledge of the array of choices that are available so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to their healing journey. My clients are seen and evaluated as whole people and they are encouraged to include some of the holistic health ideas into their daily routine; after all, prevention is better than cure.

The approach of healing the whole mind, body, and spirit is known as holistic health and wellness.

The holistic approach enables you to get a better knowledge of how your physical, emotional, and spiritual selves interact. To put it another way, the holistic approach considers the entire human body.


I look forward to connecting with you! Besides my email address & Facebook page you can also find me on Instagram. I'm active on all channels, read every message and do my best to respond quickly. You can also meet me at my studio face to face in private or in group sessions.

Moments of Connection and Care

Explore heartfelt memories and sacred moments captured from my offerings, showcasing the journey of motherhood and healing.

Begin Your Journey with Care and Connection

Whether you're preparing for childbirth, seeking healing, or looking to connect with a community of mothers, our holistic services are here for you.