Mother Circle

A Sacred Space for Mothers to Find Clarity, Wisdom, and Community

Join an 8-class journey led by Petra Tamas to rediscover yourself, navigate the arc of motherhood, and connect with like-minded women in a supportive circle.

MotherCircle: Your Village for Wisdom, Support, and Connection

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a mother. This is that village.

MotherCircle is an 8 class gathering led by Petra Tamas for mothers who want to understand the unseen arc of their motherhood journey, move out of confusion, and into greater clarity and wisdom within a supportive community.

Mother Circle is for

  • Mothers with children of all ages
  • Women who want to be mothers 
  • your body
  • Mothers who want community with other mothers, and gather around meaningful topics and motherhood wisdom
  • Mothers looking to live into a new narrative, and redefine motherhood on their own terms 
  • Women who care for mothers. (Childbirth educators, Birthworkers, Midwives, birth and postpartum doulas, OBGYNs, Lactation consultants, L&D nurses, Prenatal and postpartum yoga teachers and Somatic therapists)

TOTAL 120€ = 8 X 15€ / CLASS

Mother Circle Package

What will the classes cover?

Explore eight transformative classes designed to guide you through the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey of motherhood—unlocking clarity, balance, and purpose.

Entering motherhood is an underworld journey often not seen and recognized by the outer world. Learn the arc of this journey, the tools to be present to it, and be witnessed as you locate yourself within it.
Awareness of our cyclical nature can help us align with our innate wisdom as mothers.. Explore how being in rhythm with the cycles in and around us gives us more access to our wholeness and our power.
Everything a new baby needs, a new mother also needs. Learn a powerful framework for assessing your physical and emotional wellness, and how to tend to what’s needed in your body no matter where you are at in your motherhood journey.
The predator - prey dynamic is present in our experience of birth and motherhood. Explore how this awareness and understanding of your nervous system can impact your everyday life and mothering.
Birth is an initiatory experience that fundamentally changes us. We’ll explore ways to access and share this experience that locates the wisdom that it has to offer for our motherhood journeys
There is often a split between being a mother and being sexual. Learn how to connect with your ever changing sexuality as a mother and become more at home in your body and your sexuality.
Motherhood changes how we relate to our work in the world. Explore the relationship between your worth and your value and anchor the things that nurture your worth as part of your mothering practice.
We have a powerful opportunity to imagine the legacy we’d like to leave. We are shaped by our motherline and the mothers around us, and we can choose what we want to carry forward. Together we’ll Identify the values that we want to guide our mothering and shape our lineage.

"If you are drawn to the course, trust yourself. "I wish all women knew and had this kind of awareness; and gentle/strong holding of space. I definitely feel that much more of this is needed; and hope to share with my nieces who recently have had babies; and have little ones."


Begin Your Journey with Care and Connection

Whether you're preparing for childbirth, seeking healing, or looking to connect with a community of mothers, our holistic services are here for you.

About Petra

My motherhood story

I was always a highly sensitive child. I felt anxious easily and had lot’s of emotional outbursts.  Later on as a young mama, I went through extreme highs and lows during my first year and half of motherhood. I struggled to take care of myself and my baby. I was ANXIOUS, OVERWHELMED and LOST.

My journey into the world motherhood began when I had my first child Mila. She was born in the hospital. It was a birth filled with confusion, fear, disruptions and postpartum anxiety - the way all births & postpartum periods are NOT meant to be. Pregnancy , birth and motherhood formed me in so many ways. I realized we have moved away from village-mindedness, and it’s mothers who suffer the most. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a village to raise a mother!

This journey was never intended to be made alone. I believe supportive community is an essential part of pregnancy and parenthood.

I am truly in awe of the amazing community of women - from all over the world - that these circles have  brought together. The way they show up for themselves, their children and for one another with an open heart and mind gives me so much hope for the future. In a time where everything feels separated and pulled apart,  there is nothing more important than coming together and holding space for this unique and sacred journey.

Petra Tamás

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and am not advising you of anything. Everything on this website is for education and should be discussed in depth with your provider. I am not legally responsible for how you choose to navigate your care.